Articles on South Carolina Law

How To Get Someone Out of Jail in SC

How To Get Someone Out of Jail in SC

For the purposes of this article, we are focusing on someone being in jail for reasons other than as a result of a conviction. In other words, someone has just been arrested and you want them out of jail. Or, someone was picked up on an arrest warrant and is awaiting their trial. Maybe the person was arrested by police after an investigation was conducted and an arrest warrant was issued. Either way, the person is now in jail as a result of a criminal charge but before any trial.

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Confidential Informants, a.k.a. “Police Snitches,” Revealed

Confidential Informants, a.k.a. “Police Snitches,” Revealed

Confidential informants are one of those things that seem to lurk around in the underground of criminal activity. The idea of the police working with someone who is facing criminal charges is a very sketchy concept to some, but a reality in the criminal justice system. When police are working with people who they are locking up or threatening to lock up, you may start to wonder if the police are looking out for “the Government’s” confidential informants, or is their first priority obtaining convictions …

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Motion to Modify Bond Condition in SC: No Contact With Victim

Motion to Modify Bond Condition in SC: No Contact With Victim

If you are facing Domestic Violence criminal charges in SC, at your bond hearing, the judge may have ordered as a condition of your bond that you have no contact with the victim in the Domestic Violence case. Since your arrest, things may have changed dramatically and you and your wife, girlfriend or partner are ready to resume living together again.

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