Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in SC?

Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in SC?

DUI checkpoints might be legal in South Carolina – if the police comply with the Fourth Amendment requirements found in SC and US Supreme Court opinions. In this article, we will discuss state and federal law on the constitutionality of DUI checkpoints in SC,...
Failure to Appear: What Happens if You Miss A Court Date in SC?

Failure to Appear: What Happens if You Miss A Court Date in SC?

Failure to appear at a court date in South Carolina is a serious matter that usually results in a bench warrant being issued for your arrest – in some cases – on the same day. Your criminal defense lawyer can help you to 1) avoid bench warrants for failure...

South Carolina DUI Process (Step By Step)

When it comes to being charged with a DUI I’m sure you’re wondering what happens next. If you’re looking for a simple step by step process to follow, then you’ll love this info-graphic. This simple flow-chart maps out the next step depending on...